Here in the Northern hemisphere, we are entering into the Lughnasa festival days. Lughnasa (or Lughnasadh) is a traditional Celtic celebration time that marks the beginning of the harvest season in the northern hemisphere. Lughnasa was celebrated in early August all over Ireland and Scotland for centuries.
Legend tells us that the ancient Celtic God Lugh created this harvest festival time in honor of his Earth Goddess Mother Tailtiu. Traditional Lughnasa rituals included an offering of the first of the corn, harvest feasts, athletic contests, bull sacrifice, and ritual dancing. The Lughnasa custom of climbing hills and mountains has survived in some areas to this day.
Now is the perfect time to honor the abundance and harvest in your life. Offer up your gratitude to Earth and Sky for the good things that have shown up in your life this year. Honor everything from your garden harvest to new friendships, children’s milestones, new jobs, your health… any and every bit of abundance in your life.
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